Sunday, June 28, 2009

Christianity in MLM

I support MLM because of its innovative approach to product distribution. I would like to share an article about MLM that I have read.

Christianity was started with only 12 disciples. There was no media then, only face-to-face recruitment; yet the practice and acceptance of Christianity spread throughout the world. Picking up lessons from the spread of Christianity, the following parallelisms about network marketing recruitment are made:

1. Jesus Christ was committed to a cause. An upline sales leader must develop a clear relevant vision consistent with that of his company so the downlines know to what destination they are going. Examples are highest productivity, number of millionaires under his network to be the network role model of the industry, etc.

2. Jesus Christ appointed 12 disciples (not 1000) directly reporting to him. There is a limit as to the number of people you can recruit directly and still effectively become successful at any one time.

3. Jesus recruited those with a high need to change themselves. These people were not satisfied with their existing condition

4. If all recruit were like Judas Iscariot, there would be no continuity, so go for quality recruits. More quality recruits will join you if you are a quality upline too.....

5. Jesus Christ spent a lot of time with his personal recruits to mold and prepare them for the task of duplicating themselves. Did not make judgment as to the personal background of his recruits

6. Jesus Christ chose people with loyalty. He asked the disciples to drop everything and follow him completely without serving two masters.

7. The disciples are committed because of Jesus Christ whom they respect. Upline should be your role model “do as I do and not just do as I say"

8. Peter denied Christ 3 times, and yet peter was forgiven and was even made head of the church. Jesus was not happy with what peter did but not with peter as a person. Upline must distinguish between a task and the person doing the task. They always build from strength.

9. The gospel started to spread the gospel and heal the people. Upline must plant roots and give wings to their downlines.

10. Disciples supported each other. They were focusing on their common vision and stop being professional victims.

11. Thomas eventually replaced Judas in the Jesus Christ team, when personal recruits become inactive or have been promoted to a sale's leader rank, replenish....

12. Jesus promised that he will prepare a place for his disciples eventually become saints. Upline should recognize downlines for their contribution, their productive and their significance.

My uplines does have a reward system. For every Business package we could provide, we will have a bonus package. And for 20 business packages that we could have we could have a laptop computer, either an Acer or a Mac.

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