Monday, July 20, 2009

My life on the blog 2

Since its conception 12 days ago My PUA lifestyle blog has almost parred with My Real Lifestyle Design Blog in terms of page impression. Real Lifestyle Design has been up for around 2 months already.

I Guess Getting a girl is more read than having a business. LOL

My newly uploaded blog Lifeline Adventure; Life's Waiting to begin has already gained HALF of the page impressions of PUA lifestyle in just 4 days! How is that.

My Lifeline Adventure blog dwells with everything that is interesting to me. I should say that, it is my Personal Blog.

Well for the bad part. The Blog of Triga Studios has the lowest traffic. I don't know. I don't have enough information to analyze.

So what do I need to do:
1. Improve my blogs lay out
2. Add more Ads unit.
3. Gain more traffic by indexing it to other sites and Wriiting about it on other sites.

That's It for now. I hope This would be a guide to those who wants to start blogging. Find your Niche!! That is what the world is looking for!

P.S. Follow Me on Twitter

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I don't like differentiation. As my headline for triga studios says "We don't differentiate, We Create"

Create something that is more
1. Attractive
2. Appealing
3. Useable
4. Indespensible
5. Needed

The List goes on. I think you can grasp the big picture. Make something BETTER rather than "comparing/benchmarking" your product to your "compettitor"

What to do Before the Business Plan

Purveyors of conventional wisdom would have you believe that the very first thing you ought to do when setting up a new business is to create a business plan.

It doesn't matter whether you are selling odds and ends on eBay from your living room or something larger and more complex,

Business plans are excellent and necessary. Far too few of us self-employed and freelance people use them.

They force us to spell out our objectives. We have to assign numbers to our expectations and assign a time-line to our goals. They become our roadmap and keep us on track.

But I suggest that you can't make a business plan that is worth anything until you've done your homework.

And that means knowing what you want to do and how you want to do it. And determining that there is sufficient demand for your product to generate enough income to cover your costs and allow a profit.

In other words, before the business plan comes research.

If a body of knowledge already exists, it makes sense to tap into it and save yourself some work. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics and other such sources, for example, publish a great deal of demographic information. Some of it is very useful.

But it is also likely that as a creative sole-proprietor, meaningful statistics don't exist about your specialty.

Many micro-businesses target a very specialized niche. And many owned by creative types exist to sell a product or service that don't follow well-worn prototypes.

It is particularly difficult for such people to find meaningful published data.

If you fall into these categories, you'll have to generate your own information.

Don't limit your research to purely business data. You are building a life as well as a business.

Are the demands and conditions of your proposed business compatible with the life you want to create?

For example, illustrators often work on short deadlines - meaning that sometimes they have to work far into the night to complete a project on deadline. Plus, some clients are demanding and some do not pay on a timely basis. After all of that, can you still "love it" enough?

Or, maybe your business is such that sales fluctuate during the year. How will you make it through the lean months? Can you handle the uncertainty of a fluctuating income?

So, how do you find information?

First, if other people provide services similar to yours, talk to them. You will gain a lot of information quickly. Their answers to your questions will save you a lot of legwork and open your eyes to factors you may not have considered.

Try to talk to at least five or six people so you can get a range of viewpoints.

You can find them through trade associations, schools, word-of-mouth. If the locals are reluctant to share information - perhaps because they see you as direct competition - look for similar people in a different locale.

Second, create the information you need.

Mimic and simplify what large businesses do. Reduce their methods down to a level that is practical and affordable.

For example, perhaps you want to survey potential clients and customers to get feedback.

If you are a creating a micro-business on a shoe-string, it may not be affordable nor practical to commission a focus group. But you may be able to speak to potential targets informally or use direct mail to send a simple survey.

Eventually you'll have to 'put your toe in the water.' Try it out in a small way - so you won't lose much if it doesn't work - and observe the results. Then experiment and modify as needed. Once it works to your liking you can plunge right in.

This approach, known by the technical term "trial and error," can be applied to any facet of your business.

After all, even the largest producers test market new products before rolling them out.

Put some parameters around your efforts. Decide, in advance, how much time you want to allow and how much you want to budget.

Then test, test, test.

Use trial and error for every aspect of your business. Experiment with different ways of packaging your services, different rates and prices, different types of marketing, etc.

You'll soon find that certain approaches work better than others. Eventually your experience and data will suggest viable strategies.

And then you'll be ready to create your business plan

How Important is Contact Information


Last monday someone called me on my cellphone. I was busy printing a business plan but I got a chance to answer it. Well the call was interrupted due to lack of signal maybe, but then she called back and we had a conversation for about ten minutes.

She inquired about my all in one loading business. She was eager and interested.

As for my past experiences in this kind of business, I failed to invite them to the office. Now learning from it, I limit my say and suggest to them to visit the office for further clarifications.

She was okay with it but not on weekdays(my past invites also had similar situations, they have office work). She said to me that If ever she would go this saturday (this day) she would inform me. She also asked me if I would get her number. I did not, BECAUSE she said that she would text me.

I will learn from that mistake. No matter how eager someone is, that person may still forget the things ought to do.

An entrepreneur/leader must be there to remind them. After all it is for the benefit of everyone.

To tweet or not to tweet

After searching for the contents of the internet on wether to tweet or not to tweet. I have decided to tweet.

Some information that helpes me decide are the informations that are found
1. HERE - Twitter Statistics
2. HERE - Twitter rankings of twitterers

I have also have putten up another blog You can see it HERE.

So now my problem would be. The driver of my twitter. Would it be for Lifestyle design?? Would it be for Triga Solutions?? Hmmm. I guess I would just make it a personal one.

Friday, July 17, 2009

10 Motivational Triggers That Make People Buy

I have already written a post about Business Trends for generating Business Ideas.

Here is a list of more simple principles, where you can base an idea for your business.

1. People want to make more money. They may want to start their own business, get a higher paying job or invest in the stock market. This will make them feel successful.

2. People want to save money. They may want to invest for the future or save for a big purchase. This will make them feel more secure.

3. People want to save time. They may want to work less and spend time enjoying life's pleasures. This will make them feel more relaxed.

4. People want to look better. They may want to lose weight, tone their body, or improve their facial features. This will make them feel more attractive.

5. People want to learn something new. They may want to learn how to change their car oil or build a deck. This will make them feel more intelligent.

6. People want to live longer. They may want to get in shape, eat better or gain extra energy. This will make them feel healthier.

7. People want to be comfortable. They may want to relive aches and pains or want to sleep in a more comfortable bed. This will make them feel relieved.

8. People want to be loved. They may not want to be lonely anymore or want to start dating again. This will make them feel wanted.

9. People want to be popular. They may want to be a famous celebrity or be more popular in school. This will make them feel praised and admired.

10. People want to gain pleasure. They may want satisfy their appetite or sexual desires. This will make them feel more fulfilled.

10 Mind Altering Words That Make People Buy

1. Use the word "fast" in your ad. People want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. Nowadays, we usually value our time more than our money.

2. Use the word "guaranteed" in your ad. People want to be assured they are not risking their hard earned money buying your product.

3. Use the word "limited" in your ad. People want to own or receive things that are exclusive or rare because they are considered to be more valuable.

4. Use the word "easy/simple" in your ad. People want easy ordering, easy instructions, easy to use, easy payments, etc.

5. Use the word "testimonial" in your ad. People want to see believable proof before they buy your product. It should be reputable and specific proof.

6. Use the word "discount/sale " in your ad. People want to find bargains. They could be rebates, one time sales, percentage offers, get one free offers, etc.

7. Use the word "free" in your ad. People want free incentives before they do business with you. They could be free books, accessories, services, etc.

8. Use the word "you/your" in your ad. People want to know that you are talking them. This'll make them feel important and attract them to read the whole ad.

9. Use the word "important" in your ad. People do not want to miss important information that could effect their life. People will stop and take notice.

10. Use the word "new" in your ad. People want new products or services that will improve their life like new information, tastes, technology, results, etc.

The Web design Business - 5 Surefire Ways To Fail

Hi, Im marco and I own a graphics and design firm. I would like to share a story about this kind of business so that we may all benefit from it.

by. John Pierce

Several years ago, I launched a small web design company in a rural area of California. Market conditions couldn't have been better, my skill level was above average, and I had a large pool of aquaintences to which I could market.

Within 12 months I went broke.

My business failed because I made some very fundamental mistakes, and made them consistently.

I now work in the web hosting industry. I have had the opportunity to interact with numerous self-employed web designers and have found that the mistakes which I made are extremely common, and usually fatal.

If you are hoping to make a go of your business over the long term, you may want to memorize my top 5 mistakes, and avoid them like the plague.

If, on the other hand, you are determined to run your web design business into the ground, the following list may be used as an expeditious roadmap to failure.

1. Underprice your services

This is the most common mistake web designers make. The temptation is to break into the business by producing a few cheap websites in order to build a portfolio. Don't do it!

Remember that you will only be spending about 40% of your time designing sites. The other 60% will be spent hustling up the next client. If you think your time is worth $10.00 per hour, consider asking for $30.00. This will give you sufficient revenue to pay for all the non-paying time you spend marketing your business.

2. Fail to set and enforce boundaries

Everyone loves a nice guy, and the temptation to be one is a trap which many of us fall into. It's crucial to remember, though, that you are in business for one primary reason - to make money.

You will, doubtless, encounter clients who will pay you for a small website, then end up wasting all of your time with questions about how to remove spyware from their computer and requests to add "one small thing" to an already completed website.

You can avoid this, somewhat, by establishing clear boundaries with the client from the very start. A contract is useful here. Make sure that your client knows exactly what can be expected of you, and what you expect of them.

If your client asks for extras, and you're amenable to providing them, give them a quote. Never toss it in for free. The only thing you have to sell is your time and expertise. Don't give away either.

Remember, you're in business. Try asking a service station owner for a little free gasoline. They would be shocked by your question. Likewise, you should be shocked when someone asks you to provide free service.

3. View your clients as temporary

Many of us get into this business because we love creating something new. By the time we finish a website, we're tired of that site (and sometimes that client) and we're ready to start a new project, and put the old project well behind us.

This attitude can cut deeply into your potential gross.

Over time, your client will need numerous updates to his or her website. updates are sometimes bothersome, but can add a significant revenue stream to your business. More important, a satisfied client becomes one of the major links in your marketing network.

4. Ignore recurring revenue opportunities

During the best of times, web designers live from project to project. While finishing one project, you will be lining up the next.

Every business, however, has slow stretches.

Unfortunately, your own creditors will still expect payment, even when your own revenue slows down.

A wise web designer looks for ways to provide his business with some sources of recurring revenue. Even $400 a month which you can count on can get you through a dry spell.

There are numerous ways to set up some recurring revenue. Take a look at maintenence contracts with your clients, reselling webhosting, etc.

5. Build pretty websites which do nothing

Your best source of advertising is word of mouth. Nothing generates great word of mouth like a satisfied customer. You can build the flashiest, prettiest, most cutting edge websites on the net, but it's all for naught if your site doesn't perform.

Every website has a purpose. That purpose might be to sell goods, leverage an advertising budget, disseminate information, assist in personnel management, or one of a million other possibilites.

Your first job, as a web designer, is to ascertain what the web site is supposed to do. Once you find that "thing" - the thing it should do - make sure that the site you deliver does that particular thing like nobody's business! By doing so, you will ensure a client who will sing your praises at the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce meetings, and to his or her friends and family. A client like this is golden, and will bring a steady stream of customers to your door.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Running Your Own Business: The Options

Very few people ever got rich by working for someone else. Leaving aside pop musicians, sportsmen and similarly gifted people, the only way to acquire wealth by work is to build a business of your own. The type of business you decide upon will depend on:
a) how much money you have available as start-up capital and working capital;
b) your business idea; and
c) your confidence level.

There are three types of business:
1) the traditional one in which you are reliant solely on your own efforts;
2) a franchise where you follow a proven idea and receive considerable training and back-up from the franchise company; and
3) network marketing.

Each business type has its pros and cons.

• The traditional business requires considerable financial input, either from your own resources or part-funded by your bank. You may need to rent premises; buy equipment; hire staff; pay for advertising, brochures, stationery, and stock. A frighteningly high percentage of this type of business fails in the first year. To succeed you need: a good idea, considerable financial backing, good health, an understanding spouse, and stamina. If you do succeed you will own the business outright and benefit from all the profits.

• Franchises have a high success rate. Banks like them because each franchise operation has a proven track record and thus the banks can accurately judge the risk, consequently they will lend money for this sort of start-up. However, all the support and training comes at a price: the initial entrance fee is likely to be very high, and a percentage of the business’s turnover has to be paid to the franchise company.

• Network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing, has many advantages and few disadvantages. The entrance fee is low and the ongoing expenses are even lower. A network marketing business can be started in your spare time – in fact that is the best way to approach it. Start small, and keep at it. The secret is perseverance, get past the first year and you should find the business has a sound foundation from which you can build a serious income. It is said that 95% of those who survive ten years in network marketing become wealthy beyond their wildest expectations.

So which type of business is for you? If you wish to provide a service or product where you have previous experience from, say, a former employment, the traditional business will be probably be the best choice.
However, if you are just tired of working for someone else and making them rich and wish to strike out on your own, then a franchise or network marketing must be the preferred option.

The choice then is determined chiefly by the funds you have access to, and the time and effort you wish to put into your enterprise. A franchise will require substantial funds and 100% commitment. You are jumping in at the deep end, although the franchise company will provide training and support to help you to swim. On the other hand you can ease yourself gently into network marketing by starting part-time while you continue with your current employment, building your business by ploughing back profits if necessary.

Persevere and there will come a time when the income from your own business will be sufficient to support you financially. You will then be able to leave your employment and concentrate on your business, spending more time on it or enjoying considerable free time with your family.

The Number One Reason For Business Failure!

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door."

But when you're starting your own business, there's no guarantee that your "mousetrap" is going to survive, especially in today's fast-paced business world.

Nearly half of all small businesses fail within the first two years of operation. The number one reason for business failure is inadequate planning. The second reason is under-capitalization.

So before you mortgage your house, or go into debt financing your business, you need to know if your business is going to do more than survive -- you want to know if it's good enough to thrive! Here are three things successful businesses that have stayed in business for five years or longer have in common:

1. The idea. A successful business start-up always starts with an idea. Something that makes your business stand out from all the rest. So how do you know if you've got a good idea?

You've probably got a good idea if you can answer yes to any of the following questions: Does your idea provide the solution to a significant problem for your target market? Does it satisfy a need or want? Does it create an opportunity?

The most successful businesses either fix problems (either real or perceived), or they increase your customer's pleasure. They create a repeat need for a product or service among the target market.

2. The market. Your chances of survival are better if you can answer the following questions with a yes: Is there already a market for your product or service? (It's much easier to fill a need than trying to create an entirely new market.) Can your target market afford to buy your products or services? (If they can't afford it, it doesn't matter how great it is, you won't sell any!) Will your target market perceive your product or service as valuable? (If they want it, but don't think it's worth what you're selling it for, you won't make any sales.)

3. Your ability. Do you have the people, the resources and the knowledge to be able to consistently provide your products or services to your target market? Can you maintain a competitive advantage? Do you have enough manpower? Can you purchase the supplies and materials you need over the long run?

Your first step always is to create a solid business plan. Your business plan is more than an essay on "Why I deserve to get funding for my idea" however. Don't spend all the time creating a business plan and then toss it in the bottom drawer of your desk. Your business plan should be a living, breathing roadmap that helps you make sure you're on course and reaching the goals that you set for your business.

The second step to business survival is getting enough financing. Although the term "bootstrap entrepreneur" describes most small business owners, having enough capital to be able to keep your business afloat is vital to your survival.

When you're creating your financial analysis of your business, make sure you're being realistic about costs and expenditures, so that you give yourself the cushion you need to succeed.

If finding financing is a problem, either because you don't have enough credit or equity, or there are other problems, take the time to look into the resources that are available in your community. There are a wide variety of grants and loans (including microloans) for entrepreneurs, if you know where to look.

Some great resources will be:
-The Small Business Administration
-Local Small Business Development Centers
-Women's Organizations
-Local University or Community College
-Chamber of Commerce
-SCORE (The Association for Retired Executives)
-Nonprofit organizations that work on economic development in your area

Use other successful business models as a guide. When you're getting started, look around. What businesses are successful? Why? What is it they're doing that is working? What attributes do you admire, and why? You stand a better chance of succeeding if you're modeling someone who is already successful.

Find a mentor. Most entrepreneurs have great skills and abilities, but no one does everything well. You probably already know what your strengths and weaknesses are. (If not, there are many resources and tools that can help you figure it out!) Rather than ignoring your weaknesses, find a mentor who can help you either build your skills in your weaker areas, or offer advice for getting what you need.

If you take the time to plan to succeed, you could be creating a legacy that will be enjoyed by future generations, and that other entrepreneurs will look at as a model for building their own businesses.

Monday, July 13, 2009

You Can Be An Author

“You should write a book.” For years, I had been hearing this comment. Writing an entire book seemed completely overwhelming, and so, for a long time, I contented myself with writing short articles. One day, inspiration for an article hit me and, as I started writing, paragraphs began flowing out at an enormous rate. Before I knew it, a rather lengthy piece was developing. It was too long to be an article, so, I decided it would not hurt to try self-publishing a little booklet. Was I ever surprised! The first printing of this 32-page black and white booklet sold out within a week.

All of us have an area which we have more knowledge and experience than the person next to us. What many do not realize is that there is often a hungry market out there ready and willing to pay for the information we have to offer. Yes, it takes a tremendous amount of effort to see a book to completion and printing, but it is well worth it.

Some things I have learned through the experience:

1. Start small. Don’t attempt to tackle a 400-page work for your first publication. You will also save yourself a bundle on printing if you keep it small. I recommend a booklet under 50-pages to launch your career as an author.

2. Enlist the help of others who are more experienced. If you know someone who has published anything, ask their advice and help. You will gain invaluable information from them and save yourself many headaches. In addition, request assistance from others for editing and proofreading. No matter how meticulous you are, it is always good to have other eyes review the final draft before it goes to the printer.

3. Be prepared to deal with disappointment. When you put your heart into something only to hear, "We're not interested," it is easy to take it personally. But, you must continually remind yourself that this is part of the package deal in self-publishing. For every "yes" you receive at least five "no's" (or so it seems). Learning to humbly and graciously accept rejection, not let it get you down, and keep pressing forward is an absolute must in self-publishing, especially at the beginning.

4. The more you market, the more you sell. You can publish an excellent book, but unless people know it is available, you cannot expect many buyers. The possibilities for marketing are endless. Check out all the books on marketing your local library offers. These will give you some great starter ideas. Send out an e-mail to friends, family, and business associates announcing your book’s publication date and offer a limited-time pre-publication special. Join self-publishing groups and let them know about your book. Ask others to promote your book. Be pro-active and do not be afraid to try novel ideas!

My life on the blog

Pua lifestyle; witth 98 page impressions and 5 days online, still has not got any income.

Ive read from other blogs that they have not made decent income until theyre 12-17th month.
Hmmm. If that was the case that means they had a loss during their first year.
So how about mine?? Will I have a loss during this first year?? Its for me to answer. Anyway, considering that I have just started monetizing my blogs, and I don't pay myself for writing here. I guess that I really am at loss.

I will still continue with my blogs. I will still continue studying the whole system of earning income online. And now I will also start another blog.

The Multiply site has been dying since the rise of facebook had begun.

When I got into multiply, I was really overwhelmed by the number of different things that I can do with it. I'll have my own website, my own posts, or just anything thta I can do there.

Back then I still do not know that You can Earn Online! Now, with its decline, Im deciding that I will transfer blogging here at blogspot. I still don't know If I will still post there (maybe for traffics sake). Who knows.

Stay tuned for my other blog. I may upload it tomorrow evening.

Take care.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

35 Questions You Must Ask

1. In one year, whom do I want to become?

2. If today was my last day on earth, what would I rather be doing?

3. How do I want to be remembered?

4. What do I want to be known as?

5. What brings me to life?

6. What is my life goal?

7. If I could only do one thing and one thing only today, what is it that I need to do to get myself closer to my goal?

8. What is my passion in life?

9. What inspires me?

10. What makes me happy?

11. What makes me feel good?

12. What about my life makes me excited every day?

13. Am I living the life I always wanted?

14. Am I growing and learning every day?

15. What do I look forward to every day when I wake up?

16. Who are my best friends?

17. Who is willing to stand by me no matter what?

18. Am I spending time with people whom I care the most?

19. Am I spending time on things that I care about the most?

20. Why am I doing what I am doing now?

21. What am I willing to stand by no matter what?

22. Why do I want to be successful?

23. Who am I helping?

24. What am I naturally good at?

25. Am I adding value to other people’s lives every day?

26. What am I going to do differently this year compared what I did last year?

27. What actions do I need to take to live by my own lights?

28. What is stopping me from doing what I really want to do? (BTW – the answer should be

29. What possibilities do I see now that weren’t obvious to me before?

30. Who will benefit (other than me) when my dream is realized?

31. Who can help me in achieving my goal?

32. What is my life going to be like when my dream is realized?

33. How many different ways do I make money now?

34. How many more ways could I make money this year?

35. Am I as healthy as I can be?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mr. Know it All

An entreprenuer, must Know it all.

From academics to technical stuffs and even into other fields, an entrepreneur must be knowledgable in about almost everything.

An entrepreneur is the opportunity seeker. He can invent things, solve issues, etc etc. An entrepreneur has a big role in our society. He has a big and great responsibility for his power.

Lets ask if Thomas edison have not invented the bulb. What would the world be like. Thanks to his scientific and rational skill, we are now benefiting from what he has given to mankind. (I've heard that he also fears the dark that is why)

An entrepreneur must know it all. One mistake of his company or his employee could affect other lives. It could lead to disaster. His knowledge may be a help when seeking flaws in his company. His eagle eyes must be the standard of mankind.

An entrepreneur must know it all. An entrepreneur is a survivor. He must be social in order to live. An entrepreneur knows that without social skills, even if he has a great product cannot make it.

An entrepreneur must know it all. Not objectively master it.

p.s. a food for thought. No one can master all things in this worldf. It would take more than a lifetime. (Unless your like Orochimaru LOL.) You can learn what is necessary in order to survive.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stop Reading and Just Do It

Oh, Yes! The internet is definitely a goldmine (with the word mine, it could blow off).

With so much information available, there is no time in even trying to input them all. On the past blogs, I always reiterate to only listen to those who have experience.

Accumulating Knowledge is NOT learning. Learning is when you used that knowledge and from the effects of that knwoledge you choose to change your views and mindset for the better.

Action Steps:
1. Stop Reading
2. Think of what you need to do and Do it. If what is stopping you is that you need more "INFORMATION", or you just isnt ready, that is bullshit. Just Do it.

3. After doing it, analyze its efefcts. Make a conclusion.
3.1. Make this as an experiment. Just do it over and over, until you have found out what is wrong with what you ard doing and correct it.
4. Read again. LoL

This post is not just about the counter productivity of knowledge accumulation. It is about ACTION.

Always have a pen and paper by your side. Ideas come and go. Stop and just write it down

Maybe you have thought of watching a movie but you are just too damn busy doing something else (that you also love). or you thought of watching the sunset at the beach.

Write it down.

The things that you wrote will help remind you of the things that you want to accomplish.

Just Do it. If constraints don't permit you. Write it down. Do it at the most possible moment.

Weve got around 3 million minutes to spend in this world. A big amount of time to spend Rushing

8 Blog Tips from Tim Ferriss

I just found this online. It is an almost hour long talk of Tim ferris on "How to Build a High Traffic Blog Without Killing Yourself"

For the video:

For an oultine of his tips:

P.S. Listen to the experienced brothers.

Im a PRO

Yup! Im a procrastinator

Im a man that must finish one thing in order to do the next thing. However I just don't have that one thing. I have multiple things to do, and have other multiple things to do before that.

I have decided about my OTHER blog to write about my PUA(pick up artist) lifestyle. I shall write about it in full detail (with the exception of SOME names maybe). Well It will start tomorrow maybe. I'll start writing LATER. lol.

I just found a blog about lifestyle design also. Well, he has already 62 posts! (mine got 9?? lol) Wow the traffic that he must be getting is awesome. I also can't tell how he does it (making numerous posts).

p.s. I did not went to school today. I watched movies and eat. (took a break) I need to fix my life. Im a lifestyle designer.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

New idea

It is 4:30 pm here, however I feel like it is already 5:30. The sky is dark. The temperature is cold.

I just had an Idea. 14 hours ago my brother wanted to order pizza. Since we don't have any contact information about them, We searched the internet. From the search results appeared a blog in which all the contact information of yellow cab pizza was in there.

The blog is mind boggling. He's google adsense was scattered everywhere. The best part is he has different blogs in one account. LOL. I seriously did not know that you could do that.

Now, Im thinking of having different blogs about my lifestyle design. This main Real lifestyle design is about how I will achieve financial freedom and a time unbounded lifestyle to do OTHER things that I want. Those OTHER things will be the subject of my other blogs stay tuned

1. Ive already started the 12 week course of shoemoney
2. I still need to get my receivables in order to buy a laptop and take short courses for graphic design
3. I still have not looked for companies for internship.
4. Try XOMBA
5. Damn! I can't finish my feasibility paper. I will finish them LATER!!!!
6. Study operatiosn Research in Advance!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Truth about 4HWW

I would like to share an article that I had just found online.
It discusses questions from readers and critics, and answers form tim ferris of the book 4HWW.

Misconceptions and misunderstandings have been around after the publishing of the 4HWW. I somehow also don't understand why those people can't grasp it, or they say that "its not applicable" in their situation.

Solutions. Always make solutions.

View the article HERE

Ready for Anything

When I was searching for opportunities online, I bumped to this site

Shoe money has helpful articles. As I was browsing, the sites' pop up ad, opens up everytime you open your browser. The ad offers 12 week course for making money online.

I signed up. I hope that this 12 week course will give me practical solutions for reality.

I would also want to take Internship. I need training in the real world.

To do List
1. Take Adobe dreamweaver and photoshop courses
2. Take the 12 week course for making money online
3. Look for companies that is looking for internship

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blogging for Dollars

Blogging for dollars might sound like the latest game show or some new drinking game, but it's the latest craze to hit the Internet. Bloggers began blogging for a number of reasons, but as the blog movement has increased in popularity, they have found ways to monetize their blogs and are seeing their commitment pay off.

Whether a blogger's focus is to communicate with customers or just to have fun, they have begun looking at ways to earn revenue from their blogs. The most popular ways for bloggers to earn some added cash for their pet projects are:

1. ) Google Adsense in Blogs

Google AdSense allows webmasters to dynamically serve content-relevant advertisements in blogs. If the visitor clicks one of the AdSense ads served to the blog, the website owner is credited for the referral. Webmasters need only to insert a Google-generated java script into the blog or blog template. Google's spider parses the AdServing blog and serves ads that relate to the blog's content. Google uses a combination of keyword matching and context analysis to determine what ads should be served.

2. ) Affiliate Programs (Product Endorsements)

Affiliate Programs work when an affiliate web site receives income for generating sales, leads, or traffic to a merchant website. Generally, bloggers will mention or endorse specific products and if site visitors purchase the product, bloggers will receive a portion of the sale.

3. ) Product Promotion

Businesses use blogs to detail how specific features or product add-ons can increase functionality and save time. Content-rich product promotion will help with search engine placement.

4.) Banner Ads

While less popular than in the past, websites with high traffic levels can still earn decent revenue by selling banner space.

As the Internet evolves bloggers will continue to seek out ways to monetize their opinions and thoughts. Daily journals and online blogs have become more than just a communication means to many.

p.s. This article is not made by me, however I have the right to publish it. You can call this ready to publish articles.

Strategy for the day

I. I will post articles in which I think would be helpful to those aspiring New rich.
These posts is not written by me, However have the right to publish it.
Check out the blog from time to time or subscribe to the feed.

II. Today is the day that I really realized that Business is using other peoples money.
Im Just a 20 year old boy. No job therefore no income. (But I have businesses) And so the problem to where will I get my capital was the question.

The good thing is you don't need one. Learn to negotiate. Learn how to ask for credit terms.

But its just bad. The stress that you'll encounter when you have credit is just draining. When you've already recouped your ROI, use your own Money (0r the business' money, I mean).

III. I may also write articles at another site and have some back links there to my sites. More traffic means more probable clicks therefore more earnings.

12 Steps to Creating a Business Online

A word pervading our society, making headlines around the world, and causing the stock market to rise and fall with startling ease. "E-commerce"

It seems every business news story centers on some technology company’s "DOT-com" or "DOT-bomb"!

With all the positive and negative hoopla, business owners of any size company can throw up their hands and feel the "E" world has left them behind.

Every business owner, salesperson, or professional asked one of two questions in the past year, either "Am I using e-commerce correctly?" or "How do I effectively get involved in e-commerce?"

You can buy hundreds of books and pay thousands in consulting fees to analyze and debate the answer to the first question.

To answer to the second question just follow these 12 steps.

Step 1 - Buy a domain name (your own DOT com). Go to and research names. Can a customer easily spell and remember it?

Step 2 - Write down your online goals and prepare a time and money budget.

How soon do you want your e-commerce site up and running?

How much will you spend?

How many hours will you devote to the site and when?

Step 3 - Surf the web to find other sites you like and dislike. Learn from others’ successes and mistakes by taking the best of what their sites offer and adapting it for your own use.

Step 4 - Design your site on paper. Define elements, look, feel, colors etc.

Step 5 - Hire a professional to set up the graphics and navigation, but with the intention of you or your staff maintaining the site’s day to day operations, communication and updates.

Step 6 - Invest in a digital camera and web publishing software such as Microsoft Front Page or Adobe Acrobat to keep up with the site’s maintenance.

Step 7 - Maintain, change, and update your site at least once a month. (The one exception to this rule are those one- page, sales letter websites. Once you have one of those that performs well and makes sales, don't change it!!)

Step 8 - Promote your site at every opportunity. Tell people about it. Put your web address on your business cards and in all your ads. Some companies even advertise their web address when they put you on hold on the telephone.

Step 9 - Give people a self-serving reason to visit your site. Coupon savings, discounts, special incentives, free information, and free newsletters represent excellent enticements for attracting visitors to your site.

Step 10 - Concentrate on obtaining an email address from every customer and potential customer.

Obtain permission to send periodic, value added malings to your database.

Use a list server to organize and maintain your mailing list.

Step 11 - Always look for and use the simplest solution or option.

Whether adding a shopping cart, database or other option to your e-commerce operation, seek out and use the simplest answer for your needs.

Step 12 - Become educated and stay current in the world of e-commerce.

Learn the marketing and sales techniques of the online world.

p.s. This article is not made by me, however I have rights to publish it. You can call this ready to publish articles. Im posting this for free info and more traffic produced by SEO.

Million Dollar Homepage; Fad Or Fiction

Over the last month a new website created by 21 year old student (Alex Tew) has had a phenomenal impact on the internet advertising world. You may have heard of If not, it is a very simple concept for online advertising. Advertisers can buy pixels on the homepage for $1 a pixel. The minimum order is 100 pixels and with this the advertiser gets a small image that links from the Milliondollarhomepage to the advertiser’s site.

Now this alone isn’t what made the site successful. Granted it’s a unique twist on internet advertising, but lets be honest it’s hardly remarkable. People have been selling spaces for banners on websites for years. For this site to be successful it needed one key ingredient, and that is traffic. Hundreds of thousands of people needed to visit this site to give the advertisers value for money.

So the young student who came up with the idea submitted a press release, and sold a story like any good marketer would. How he was only 21 and came up with this simple website to pay his way through university. Fortunately for him the worlds press found his release and published it, as it was a good story. This meant more people visited the site, and the website traffic increased. In turn more journalists picked up on the story and published it. The result was a viral explosion in traffic which meant many people bought advertising space and it is fair to say the site has been highly successful.

So is this the new advertising medium of the internet? I am afraid this author doesn’t believe so. Once the hype starts to die down, and the story is no longer new, the press will begin to publish fewer articles on it, and less people will visit the site. This in turn will lead to even fewer articles being published in the worlds press, leading to even fewer visitors. This cycle will continue and what originally made this website successful (viral marketing) will ultimately lead to its death.

What can internet marketers learn from this? The best way to promote any new internet venture is to make an interesting story about it, submit articles and press releases, and if the story is good enough, watch the viral explosion in visitors.

Of course for long term growth the new site or service has to be good enough to provide value to visitors, and not just a fad that captures people’s short term interest. I wish Alex Tew all the best, but I think he too will accept that this is not a long term business that can go anywhere from here.

p.s. This article is not made by me, however I have rights to publish it. You can call this ready to publish articles. Im posting this for free info and more traffic produced by SEO.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Business Trends for generating Business Ideas

1. Cocooning – As the name implies, Cocoon. Home is where the heart is. A number of people (now) want to earn from home. Why stay at home? Well, less expenses maybe, or tired of working for somebody else that an everyday routine is sickening them.

Opportunities can be found here. Your target Market would be of course the people who want to stay at home. Some Business could be Online Movies, Food to be delivered onto their doorstep or other similar products.

2. Fantasy Adventure – Everyone has a dream. The rise of dream shows like American Idol or Dream Academy and even big brother are some of the ideas that could be made from this trend.

3. Ego-Statements – Differentiation. Individuality. Young Adults prefer to stand out from the crowd. (This could be rooted to our replication value)

Eccentric products are the opportunities I see here. From shirts with intriguing designs, to other products that offer sophistication. Eye catching

4. Cashing out – Earn Big and fast, then retire. People are hungry for a simple lifestyle. Sometimes what we want is to just experience things. Sad to say that money is a means for achieving them.

For business opportunities, game shows could be good. However maybe you just don’t have enough capital for that so… You could try a school that teaches techniques how to earn cash fast.

Make solutions and sell it.

5. Down Aging – Age is a limiting belief. Adults want to stay young. And the young don’t want to be adults. (This could be rooted to our replication value

Cosmetics! Cosmetics are a god example for this. Cosmetics are not really the products that the costumer wants, what they want is the hope to be young and good looking again.

6. Staying Alive – Here in The Philippines a number of health products rose from the market. From liver herbs to supplements for the heart etc. Many are now becoming concerned about their health.

You could try a gym business. You could also venture into health products or gym products.

A lot of MLM here in the Philippines has health products as their offering.

7. Too Many things to do in a short span of time – People are really becoming tired. Is it because of the unstoppable nature of development?

Entrepreneurs want more profit that is why they hire more people to do more work. So what happens is that this people will ran out of time for themselves. Even companies will have a limited supply of time.

What we can do here is to outsource services. Students pay others to do their research works. Businesses hire manufacturers to do their products etc.

You could try food services, like sandwich for those people who eat while travelling. lol You could try being a middleman too.