Saturday, July 18, 2009

How Important is Contact Information


Last monday someone called me on my cellphone. I was busy printing a business plan but I got a chance to answer it. Well the call was interrupted due to lack of signal maybe, but then she called back and we had a conversation for about ten minutes.

She inquired about my all in one loading business. She was eager and interested.

As for my past experiences in this kind of business, I failed to invite them to the office. Now learning from it, I limit my say and suggest to them to visit the office for further clarifications.

She was okay with it but not on weekdays(my past invites also had similar situations, they have office work). She said to me that If ever she would go this saturday (this day) she would inform me. She also asked me if I would get her number. I did not, BECAUSE she said that she would text me.

I will learn from that mistake. No matter how eager someone is, that person may still forget the things ought to do.

An entrepreneur/leader must be there to remind them. After all it is for the benefit of everyone.

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